Frequently asked questions
To place an order, simply browse our website, select the products you'd like to purchase, and add them to your cart. Then, proceed to checkout, where you'll provide your shipping and payment information.
We offer standard and expedited shipping options. Shipping rates and delivery times vary based on your location. You can find more details during the checkout process.
Yes, we do offer international shipping. Please note that international shipping rates and delivery times may vary. For more information, check our Shipping Policy.
Yes, all Teviant Beauty products are cruelty-free. We do not test our products on animals.
Many of our products are vegan, but not all. You can find vegan product information in the product descriptions on our website. Look for the "Vegan" label.
Yes, we have a hassle-free return and exchange policy. Please review our Return Policy for details on how to initiate a return or exchange.
We accept major credit cards, including Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover. We also offer secure payment options like PayPal and Apple Pay.
Yes, we take your online security seriously. We use industry-standard encryption technology to protect your payment information. Your data is safe with us.
You can reach our customer support team by visiting our Contact Us page on the website. We'll get back to you as soon as possible.
Currently, we operate exclusively online, so you can shop for Teviant Beauty products through our website.